Top Household Poisons Affecting Cats

Top Household Poisons Affecting Cats

As something to drink, carpet shampoo holds no appeal for most people. For you, the product’s value is simply the way it cleans the mess your cat occasionally makes when she knocks something over.

However, your cat may have the philosophy of “nothing ventured, nothing gained” – and poison herself tasting the liquid.

Household cleaning solutions are one of the five most common causes of pet poisoning in the home, according to the Animal Poison Hotline. The APH is a 24-hour hotline available year round to pet owners and pet caregivers who are concerned about their pet’s well being after ingesting an unknown or toxic substance.

Cats are famous for their frisky and inquisitive nature, which often leads them to consume harmful items. Unfortunately, the average household contains many potentially dangerous substances that your dog can get into.

Many hazards are seasonal, explains Dr. Lynn Hovda, RPh, DVM, DACVIM. For instance, antifreeze toxicities often rise during winter because people change their antifreeze mixture. Cats are sometimes attracted to the smell and taste of antifreeze, which is deadly. During spring and summer, cats are at higher risk to consume commonly used lawn care products such as fertilizer, herbicides and insecticides, not to mention poisonous plants.

To educate people on the most common toxic substances cats consume, APH has compiled the top five, ranking from the greatest number of exposures to the least number of exposures. They are: