Top 1,200 Pet Names of 2024
Are you adopting a pet, but can’t think of a unique name for your new furry friend?
Many pet parents draw inspiration from human baby names, popular dog name lists, books, movie characters (especially from Star Wars), TV shows (like Game of Thrones and Frasier), favorite foods and drinks, road signs, fun facts, the four seasons, and even old boyfriends. Inspiration is literally everywhere.
Check out our list for inspiration for a new pet’s name.
Top Names for Your New Dog
Dog parents have shared some of the following cute names:
- Abigail
- Ace
- Adam
- Addie
- Admiral
- Aggie
- Aires
- Aj
- Ajax
- Aldo
- Alex
- Alexus
- Alf
- Alfie
- Allie
- Ally
- Amber
- Amie
- Amigo
- Amos
- Amy
- Andy
- Angel
- Angus
- Annie
- Apollo
- April
- Archie
- Argus
- Aries
- Armanti
- Arnie
- Arrow
- Ashes
- Ashley
- Astro
- Athena
- Atlas
- Audi
- Augie
- Aussie
- Austin
- Autumn
- Axel
- Axle
- Babbles
- Babe
- Baby
- Baby-doll
- Babykins
- Bacchus
- Bailey
- Bam-bam
- Bambi
- Bandit
- Banjo
- Barbie
- Barclay
- Barker
- Barkley
- Barley
- Barnaby
- Barney
- Baron
- Bart
- Basil
- Baxter
- Bb
- Beamer
- Beanie
- Beans
- Bear
- Beau
- Beauty
- Beaux
- Bebe
- Beetle
- Bella
- Belle
- Ben
- Benji
- Benny
- Benson
- Bentley
- Bernie
- Bessie
- Biablo
- Bibbles
- Big Boy
- Big Foot
- Biggie
- Billie
- Billy
- Bingo
- Binky
- Birdie
- Birdy
- Biscuit
- Bishop
- Gus
- Guy
- Gypsy
- Hailey
- Haley
- Hallie
- Hamlet
- Hammer
- Hank
- Hanna
- Hannah
- Hans
- Happy
- Hardy
- Harley
- Harpo
- Harrison
- Harry
- Harvey
- Heather
- Heidi
- Henry
- Hercules
- Hershey
- Higgins
- Hobbes
- Holly
- Homer
- Honey
- Honey-Bear
- Hooch
- Hoover
- Hope
- Houdini
- Howie
- Hudson
- Huey
- Hugh
- Hugo
- Humphrey
- Hunter
- India
- Indy
- Iris
- Isabella
- Isabelle
- Itsy
- Itsy-bitsy
- Ivory
- Ivy
- Izzy
- Jack
- Jackie
- Jackpot
- Jackson
- Jade
- Jagger
- Jags
- Jaguar
- Jake
- Jamie
- Jasmine
- Jasper
- Jaxson
- Jazmie
- Jazz
- Jelly
- Jelly-bean
- Jenna
- Jenny
- Jerry
- Jersey
- Jess
- Jesse
- Jesse James
- Jessie
- Jester
- Jet
- Jethro
- Jett
- Jetta
- Jewel
- Jewels
- Jimmy
- Jingles
- JJ
- Joe
- Joey
- Johnny
- Jojo
- Joker
- Jolie
- Jolly
- Jordan
- Josie
- Joy
- JR
- Judy
- Julius
- June
- Misty
- Mitch
- Mittens
- Mitzi
- Mitzy
- Mo
- Mocha
- Mollie
- Molly
- Mona
- Muffy
- Nakita
- Nala
- Nana
- Natasha
- Nellie
- Nemo
- Nena
- Peanut
- Peanuts
- Pearl
- Pebbles
- Penny
- Phoebe
- Phoenix
- Sara
- Sarah
- Sasha
- Sassie
- Sassy
- Savannah
- Scarlett
- Shasta
- Sheba
- Sheena
- Shelby
- Shelly
- Sienna
- Sierra
- Silky
- Silver
- Simone
- Sissy
- Skeeter
- Sky
- Skye
- Skyler
- Waldo
- Wallace
- Wally
- Walter
- Wayne
- Weaver
- Webster
- Wesley
- Westie
Best Names for Boy Dogs
This year’s popular pet names for male dogs are:
- Abel
- Bits
- Bitsy
- Bizzy
- Bj
- Blackie
- Black-Jack
- Blast
- Blaze
- Blue
- Bo
- Bo
- Bob
- Bobbie
- Bobby
- Bobo
- Bodie
- Bogey
- Bones
- Bongo
- Boo
- Boo-boo
- Booker
- Boomer
- Boone
- Booster
- Bootie
- Boots
- Boozer
- Boris
- Bosco
- Bosley
- Boss
- Boy
- Bozley
- Bradley
- Brady
- Braggs
- Brando
- Bruiser
- Bruno
- Brutus
- Bubba
- Bubbles
- Buck
- Buckeye
- Bucko
- Bucky
- Bud
- Budda
- Buddie
- Buddy
- Buddy Boy
- Kane
- Karma
- Kato
- Katz
- Kibbles
- Kid
- Killian
- King
- Kipper
- Kirby
- Kismet
- Klaus
- Koba
- Kobe
- Koda
- Koko
- Kona
- Kosmo
- Koty
- Kramer
- Kujo
- Kurly
- Lassie
- Latte
- Lincoln
- Linus
- Little Bit
- Little-guy
- Little-one
- Little-rascal
- Lucifer
- Lucky
- Maverick
- Max
- Maximus
- Mercle
- Merlin
- Pooch
- Poochie
- Rover
- Scoobie
- Scooby
- Scooby-doo
- Slick
- Slinky
- Sly
- Snoopy
- Smarty
- Sox
- Spanky
- Spud
- Spunky
- Squeeky
- Squirt
- Stanley
- Sterling
- Stich
- Stink
- Ty
- Tyler
- Tyson
- Vinnie
- Vinny
- Willie
- Wizard
- Wolfgang
- Wolfie
- Woody
- Woofie
- Wrigley
- Wrinkles
- Wyatt
- Yin
- Yoda
- Yogi
- Yogi-bear
- Yukon
- Zack
- Zeke
- Zeus
Best Names for Girl Dogs
This year’s popular pet names for female dogs are:
- Abbey
- Abbie
- Abby
- Blanche
- Blondie
- Blossom
- Bonnie
- Brandi
- Brandy
- Bridgett
- Bridgette
- Brie
- Brindle
- Brit
- Brittany
- Brodie
- Brook
- Brooke
- Brownie
- Buffie
- Buffy
- Bug
- Bugsey
- Bugsy
- Butter
- Butterball
- Buttercup
- Butterscotch
- Buttons
- Buzzy
- Cali
- Callie
- Cameo
- Camille
- Candy
- Carley
- Casey
- Casper
- Cassie
- Cassis
- Cha Cha
- Chanel
- Chaos
- Charisma
- Chelsea
- Cherokee
- Chessie
- Cheyenne
- Chi Chi
- Chic
- Chiquita
- Chivas
- Chloe
- Chocolate
- Chrissy
- Cinnamon
- Cisco
- Claire
- Coconut
- Codi
- Cody
- Kali
- Kallie
- Kasey
- Katie
- Kayla
- KC
- Keesha
- Kellie
- Kelly
- Kelsey
- Kenya
- Kerry
- Kiki
- Kira
- Kissy
- Kitty
- Kiwi
- Kyra
- Lacey
- Lady
- Ladybug
- Laney
- Layla
- Lexi
- Lexie
- Lexus
- Libby
- Lightning
- Nikita
- Nikki
- Niko
- Nina
- Olive
- Olivia
- Ollie
- Onie
- Pandora
- Patsy
- Patty
- Peaches
- Tequila
- Tess
- Tessa
- Tessie
- Valinto
- Vava
- Vegas
- Velvet
Best Names for Cats
Here are some unique cat names for your new best friend:
- Bullet
- Bullwinkle
- Bully
- Bumper
- Bunky
- Buster
- Buster-brown
- Butch
- Butchy
- Caesar
- Calvin
- Capone
- Captain
- Chad
- Chamberlain
- Champ
- Chance
- Charles
- Charlie
- Charlie Brown
- Charmer
- Chase
- Chauncey
- Chaz
- Checkers
- Chester
- Chevy
- Chewie
- Chewy
- Chico
- Chief
- Chili
- China
- Chip
- Chipper
- Chippy
- Chips
- Chubbs
- Chucky
- Chyna
- Cinder
- Cindy
- Clancy
- Cleo
- Cleopatra
- Clicker
- Clifford
- Clover
- Clyde
- Coal
- Cobweb
- Coco
- Cocoa
- Cole
- Comet
- Commando
- Conan
- Connor
- Cookie
- Cooper
- Copper
- Corky
- Cosmo
- Cotton
- Cozmo
- Crackers
- Cricket
- Crystal
- Cubby
- Cubs
- Cujo
- Cupcake
- Curly
- Curry
- Cutie
- Cutie-pie
- Cyrus
- Daffy
- Daisey-mae
- Daisy
- Dakota
- Dallas
- Dandy
- Dante
- Daphne
- Darby
- Darcy
- Darwin
- Dash
- Dave
- Deacon
- Dee
- Dee Dee
- Dempsey
- Destini
- Dewey
- Dexter
- Dharma
- Diamond
- Dickens
- Diego
- Diesel
- Digger
- Dillon
- Dinky
- Dino
- Diva
- Dixie
- Dobie
- Doc
- Dodger
- Doggon’
- Dolly
- Domino
- Doodles
- Doogie
- Dots
- Dottie
- Dozer
- Dragster
- Dreamer
- Duchess
- Dude
- Dudley
- Duffy
- Duke
- Duncan
- Dunn
- Dusty
- Dutches
- Dutchess
- Dylan
- Earl
- Ebony
- Echo
- Eddie
- Eddy
- Edgar
- Edsel
- Eifel
- Einstein
- Ellie
- Elliot
- Elmo
- Elvis
- Elwood
- Ember
- Emily
- Emma
- Emmy
- Erin
- Ernie
- Eva
- Faith
- Fancy
- Felix
- Fergie
- Ferris
- Fido
- Fifi
- Figaro
- Finnegan
- Fiona
- Flake
- Flakey
- Flash
- Flint
- Flopsy
- Flower
- Floyd
- Fluffy
- Fonzie
- Foxy
- Francais
- Frankie
- Franky
- Freckles
- Fred
- Freddie
- Freddy
- Freedom
- Freeway
- Fresier
- Friday
- Frisco
- Frisky
- Fritz
- Frodo
- Frosty
- Furball
- Fuzzy
- Gabby
- Gabriella
- Garfield
- Gasby
- Gator
- Gavin
- Genie
- George
- Georgia
- Georgie
- Giant
- Gibson
- Gidget
- Gigi
- Gilbert
- Gilda
- Ginger
- Ginny
- Girl
- Gizmo
- Godiva
- Goldie
- Goober
- Goose
- Gordon
- Grace
- Grace
- Gracie
- Gracie
- Grady
- Greenie
- Greta
- Gretchen
- Gretel
- Gretta
- Griffen
- Gringo
- Grizzly
- Gromit
- Grover
- Gucci
- Guido
- Guinness
- Gunner
- Gunther
Top Names for Boy Cats
Here are some unique names for male cats:
- Laddie
- Lazarus
- Lefty
- Leo
- Levi
- Logan
- Loki
- Lou
- Louie
- Louis
- Lucas
- Mac
- Macho
- Macintosh
- Mack
- Magic
- Major
- Mason
- Maxwell
- Mcduff
- Michael
- Mickey
- Midnight
- Mikey
- Miko
- Miles
- Miller
- Milo
- Mister
- Mojo
- Monkey
- Monster
- Montana
- Montgomery
- Monty
- Moocher
- Moochie
- Mookie
- Moonshine
- Moose
- Morgan
- Moses
- Mouse
- Mr Kitty
- Muffin
- Mugsy
- Mulligan
- Munchkin
- Murphy
- Napoleon
- Nathan
- Nero
Nestle - Newt
- Newton
- Nibbles
- Nibby
- Nibby-nose
- Nick
- Nickers
- Nickie
- Nicky
- Nico
- Nike
- Niki
- Nitro
- Nobel
- Noel
- Nona
- Noodles
- Norton
- Nosey
- Nugget
- Nutmeg
- Oakley
- Obie
- Odie
- Old Glory
- Oliver
- Onyx
- Opie
- Oreo
- Oscar
- Otis
- Otto
- Oz
- Ozzie
- Ozzy
- Pablo
- Paco
- Paddington
- Paddy
- Panda
- Panther
- Papa
- Paris
- Parker
- Pasha
- Patch
- Patches
- Patricky
- Pedro
- Pepe
- Pepper
- Peppy
- Pepsi
- Persy
- Pete
- Peter
- Petey
- Petie
- Phantom
- Picasso
- Pickles
- Pierre
- Piggy
- Piglet
- Pink Panther
- Pinky
- Pinto
- Plato
- Pluto
- Pockets
- Pogo
- Pokey
- Pip-squeek
- Pirate
- Poncho
- Pongo
- Pooh
- Pooh-bear
- Porkchop
- Porky
- Porter
- Powder
- Prancer
- Prince
- Puck
- Puddles
- Pudge
- Puffy
- Pugsley
- Pumpkin
- Punkin
- Puppy
- Purdy
- Quinn
- Rags
- Raison
- Ralph
- Ralphie
- Rambler
- Rambo
- Ranger
- Rascal
- Rebel
- Red
- Reggie
- Reilly
- Remy
- Rex
- Rexy
- Rhett
- Ricky
- Rico
- Riggs
- Riley
- Rin Tin Tin
- Ringo
- Ripley
- Rocco
- Rock
- Rocket
- Rocko
- Rocky
- Roland
- Rolex
- Rollie
- Roman
- Romeo
- Roscoe
- Rosebud
- Rudy
- Ruffe
- Ruffer
- Ruffles
- Rufus
- Ruger
- Rusty
- Sage
- Sailor
- Salem
- Sampson
- Samson
- Sarge
- Sawyer
- Schotzie
- Schultz
- Scooter
- Scottie
- Scout
- Scrappy
- Scruffy
- Shadow
- Shady
- Shaggy
- Sherman
- Shiloh
- Shiner
- Shorty
- Sebastian
- Silvester
- Simba
- Simon
- Skinny
- Skip
- Skipper
- Skippy
- Skittles
Best Names for Female Cats
Here are some of this year’s most popular names for female cats:
- Mandi
- Mandy
- Mango
- Marble
- Mariah
- Marley
- Mary
- Mary Jane
- Mattie
- Maxine
- May
- Maya
- Mckenzie
- Meadow
- Megan
- Meggie
- Mercedes
- Mia
- Miasy
- Millie
- Mimi
- Mindy
- Ming
- Mini
- Minnie
- Mischief
- Misha
- Miss Kitty
- Miss Priss
- Missie
- Missy
- Piper
- Pippin
- Pippy
- Pixie
- Polly
- Pookie
- Pooky
- Popcorn
- Poppy
- Porch
- Precious
- Presley
- Pretty
- Pretty-girl
- Princess
- Prissy
- Queen
- Queenie
- Quincy
- Raven
- Rosa
- Rosie
- Rosy
- Rowdy
- Roxanne
- Roxie
- Roxy
- Ruby
- Ruchus
- Ruthie
- Ryder
- Sabine
- Sable
- Sabrina
- Sadie
- Sally
- Salty
- Sam
- Samantha
- Sammy
- Sandy
- Smoke
- Smokey
- Smudge
- Sneakers
- Snickers
- Snoop
- Snowball
- Snowflake
- Snowy
- Snuffles
- Snuggles
- Solomon
- Sonny
- Sophia
- Sophie
- Sparkle
- Sparky
- Speed
- Speedo
- Speedy
- Spirit
- Spookey
- Spot
- Spotty
- Star
- Starr
- Stella
- Stormy
- Sugar
- Sugar-baby
- Summer
- Sumo
- Sundance
- Sunday
- Sunny
- Sunshine
- Susie
- Susie-q
- Suzy
- Sweetie
- Sweetie-pie
- Sweet-pea
- Sydney
- Tabby
- Tabetha
- Taco
- Taffy
- Tally
- Tammy
- Tangles
- Tango
- Tank
- Tara
- Tasha
- Taylor
- Thelma
- Thyme
- Tiffany
- Tiger
- Tigger
- Tiggy
- Tiki
- Tilly
- Timber
- Tippy
- Titan
- Tito
- Titus
- Tobie
- Toby
- Toffee
- Toni
- Tony
- Toots
- Tootsie
- Topaz
- Tori
- Toto
- Tracker
- Tramp
- Trapper
- Trinity
- Tripod
- Tristan
- Trixie
- Trooper
- Trouble
- Zena
- Ziggy
- Zippy
- Zoe
- Zoey
- Zoie
61 More Great Names for Any Pet
- Spencer
- Spike
- Stuart
- Tank
- Tanner
- Taz
- T-bird
- T-bone
- Teddy
- Teddy-bear
- Tex
- Thor
- Thumper
- Thunder
- Timmy
- Tinker
- Tinker-bell
- Tinky
- Tiny
- Tipper
- Tom
- Tommy
- Tommy-boy
- Travis
- Trigger
- Troy
- Truffles
- Tuck
- Tucker
- Tuesday
- Tuffy
- Turbo
- Turner
- Tux
- Twiggy
- Twinkle
- Violet
- Vito
- Volvo
- Waddles
- Wags
- Whiskers
- Whiskey
- Whispy
- Whitie
- Whiz
- Wiggles
- Wilber
- Willow
- Willy
- Wilson
- Winnie
- Winston
- Winter
- Wiz
- Xena
- Yaka
- Yang
- Yeller
- Yellow
- Zorro
How to Pick the Best Pet Name
Pet owners know how hard it can be to find the right name. Picking something original is great, but there’s something to be said for those old, classic names. For the past few years, the most popular boy dog names have included Max, Cooper, and Bailey, and the most popular girl dog names are Luna, Lucy, Daisy, Molly, and Lola. Yet, the best option for you might be something that matches your dog’s personality.
Here are some tips for picking the perfect name:
- Make it a family event. Get the family together to help pick the best name for your pet. You and your family can watch your new puppy or kitten to observe their personality and vote on a name that best suits their unique traits or draw submissions out of a hat!
- Consider your pet’s personality and look. Dog names can be associated with everything from a personality trait (like being smart or silly) to their size and shape. For example, Titan is a common name for large-breed dogs, while Tiny is a common small dog name. There are even some names that fit a specific breed. For example, many friendly Golden Retrievers are named Riley.
- Consider a moniker. Many people have a moniker (or nickname) that is used by loved ones, such as “sweetie” or “honey.” A first name like Steven may get shortened to “Steve” or “Stevie” by close friends and relatives. Many dogs also develop their own nickname, which is a great way to show affection and give them their own identity.
- Test it out. Choose a name that is easy to repeat on a regular basis. Names with one or two syllables and strong vowel sounds are easy to say and simple for your dog to understand. Practice a call with the name to see how difficult it is to repeat.
- Avoid rhyming names. Names that rhyme or are similar to other names in the home can be confusing for dogs. Ideally, the vowel sound should be unique for each pet and not match.
Ready to adopt a pet? Browse our vast network of shelters and rescues to find and adopt your perfect pet today!