Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in Cats

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in Cats

Carbon monoxide is an odorless, colorless, nonirritating gas, that when absorbed into the bloodstream, forms a compound that causes hypoxia (reduced oxygen supply) of the heart and brain. Some pets are predisposed to toxicity due to preexisting heart or lung disease. Dogs are more susceptible than cats but all cats are at risk.

The most common causes for exposure include:

What to Watch For

Diagnosis of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in Cats

Diagnosis is based on possible exposure to carbon monoxide, physical exam findings and supporting laboratory results:

Treatment of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in Cats

Home Care and Prevention

Be aware that if the source of poisoning still exists, both you and your dog are at risk. Affected pets should limit physical activity for several weeks.

Prevent toxicity by minimizing exposure and using carbon monoxide detectors around your home.

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