Two hikers and their dog gaze into the distance.

Things to Include in a Pet Disaster Kit

The warmer temperatures that accompany summer and fall provide us with the opportunity to spend time outdoors with our pets, but the weather can be unpredictable and pet parents need to prepare for the worst.

Depending on where you live, summer and fall can bring on loads of rain, which can lead to flash floods or hurricanes. Those in a dry climate can expect severe thunderstorms, wildfires, and tornadoes.

Regardless, the last thing you want to be is unprepared in the event that you’ll need to survive without the traditional means of food, water, or shelter. While your family may already have a disaster plan on hand, a pet emergency kit is just as vital, providing you with peace of mind that your animal companion is just as safe as you are.

Dog Survival Kit

When making a pet disaster kit, it’s best to consider your pet specifically, since a dog’s kit can differ considerably from a cat emergency kit.

When it comes to dealing with an emergency, making sure your dog has its own food to eat is just the beginning. Here is what your dog’s disaster kit should look like:

Keep all of these supplies together in one compact and waterproof bag. It’s also a good idea to include additional treats and toys to comfort your dog. Make sure they have a collar with an identification tag that includes their name, your name, your address, and phone number. Also, consider getting your dog microchipped in case their collar were to come unfastened.

Cat Survival Kit

Here is what your cat’s disaster kit should look like:

Since cats typically don’t drink much water, canned food works best since it contains most of the water they need for consumption. The rest of their supplies, for the most part, should already be in your personal disaster kit. Remember, if your cat does not wear an identification collar, consider having them microchipped. Also, consider adding a pet insurance policy to get your pet the care it needs following a disaster.