January 2006 Pet Horoscope
Like last year, 2006 will be influenced by Jupiter which means that you'll be a go-pet and enjoy the ride because of your steady nature. Be wary of strange wildlife, pets and their people but also be open to new experiences because it may lead you to making a splash in the animal world.
Animal and Health Relationships: Capricorn animals can be a bit standoffish but this year something will change and you'll find yourself more intuitive to other people and pets.
Health and Well-being: While your Cap body and mind are in fine shape, this is a time when you can fine-tune your human-animal bond and heal spiritually as an unforgettable pet.
2006 Pet Tip: Open your eyes and heart to more people and pets in the haven around you.
Kerouac is the co-author of 202 Pets' Peeves, and is noted as a seismically sensitive cat in the new book, "The Man Who Predicts Earthquakes," by Cal Orey, based on geologist Jim Berkland's quake warnings which include moons, tides, strange animal behavior (disoriented pets, lost cats and dogs). Available at www.barnesandnoble.com and www.amazon.com.