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Just for Kids: What Do You Know About Cats?

Cats are very interesting animals. You probably enjoy playing with your cat, and he is a lot of fun to watch. But how much do you know about your pet? Here's a simple quiz to test your knowledge.

1. Why do cats arch their backs?

a. Because they feel threatened
b. Because their backs are sore
c. Because they are trying to look scary
d. A and C

2. When you take your cat for his checkup, your veterinarian will

a. Give him an I.Q. test
b. Give him a bath
c. Give him a lollipop for being good
d. Listen to his heart and lungs

3. Why do cats always land on their feet?

a. Because they are smart
b. Because they can fly
c. Because their feet are very heavy
d. They don't always land on their feet

4. Being a responsible cat owner means:

a. Making sure your cat has food and water
b. Making sure you play with him a lot
c. Making sure you give him plenty of exercise
d. All of the above

5. Why do cats purr?

a. Because they are happy
b. Because they are in pain
c. To communicate with their mother or with their babies
d. All of the above

6. Why do cats hiss when they feel threatened?

a. They are warning the threatening person or animal
b. They are releasing air from their lungs so they can fight
c. They are trying to sound like a snake
d. All of the above

7. Why do cats have whiskers?

a. They'd look funny without them
b. To detect the presence of prey
c. To help them determine if they can fit through the door
d. All of the above

8. Why do cats like to scratch?

a. Because they are bored
b. Because they don't like the furniture
c. To remove the nail sheaths from their nails
d. All of the above

9. Being humane means:

a. Being smart and friendly
b. Being nice to animals
c. Being human
d. Being healthy

10. The best reason to have a cat for a pet is:

a. They keep you company
b. They like to be petted
c. They like to play with you
d. All of the above


1. The answer is d. Cats that arch their backs are usually frightened and are trying to look bigger and more threatening to the opponent.
They can do this because they have 60 vertebrae, twice what humans have.

2. The answer is d. Your veterinarian has special training and experience in detecting illness in pets. Listening to your cat's heart and lungs can help your veterinarian learn if your pet is healthy.

3. The answer is d. Contrary to popular belief, falling cats do not always land on their feet. In fact, every day cats become injured from falling out of open windows, off balconies and from rooftops.

4. The answer is d. You will need to feed him, play with him and give him exercise to keep him healthy and happy.

5. The answer is d. Some cats purr when they are contented and happy, but some purr when they are frightened or severely ill. Infants purr while nursing to let their mother know they are getting enough milk; mother cats purr to let their babies know she is there and everything is all right.

6. The answer is c. The sound your cat makes resembles that of a snake just before it strikes. And the message is clear: This is a warning, and if you continue bothering me I will have to do something about it.

7. The answer is d. All of the above. Whiskers serve as delicate sense organs of touch just like our fingertips. They are the same width as the cat's body to help determine if a space is wide enough for them to go through. And of course, they would look silly without them.

8. The answer is c. Cats' claws grow from within, like an onion, and the outer worn layers are eventually shed. By scratching, your cat loosens the outer layer from the cuticle. The outer layer falls off and remains behind at the scratching post (or the scene of the crime).

9. The answer is b. Being humane means treating animals kindly.

10. The answer is d. Your pet cat loves to be with you and play with you and loves your attention. The best reason to have a cat for a pet is that they really like being your pet.