May 2006 Pet Horoscope
The New Year is one for bonding big-time. Taurean critters are all about warm and fuzzy family values. On the flip side, your world may be topsy-turvy during a possible change of address. Sure, a stable home means the world to dependable you, but don't be too stubborn to change.
Animal and Human Relationships: Psst! You may get a new roomie (or two) this year. Your social contacts are going to multiply and this is a good thing.
Health and Well-being: While all of this chaos is happening don't overindulge in fatty pet treats or play sofa spud. Get a move on, whether you're in a backyard, house, cage, or aquarium.
2006 Pet Tip: Remember, as an earth sign you must stay grounded no matter what people or pets enter your life.
Kerouac is the co-author of 202 Pets' Peeves, and is noted as a seismically sensitive cat in the new book, "The Man Who Predicts Earthquakes," by Cal Orey, based on geologist Jim Berkland's quake warnings which include moons, tides, strange animal behavior (disoriented pets, lost cats and dogs). Available at and