NYC Pet Project: Rue McLanahan’s Letter to Chatty Miss Bianca

When you think of your pet, what words come to mind? If your pet could read, what would your letters say?

Authors Edward J. Kaczmarek III and Michael J. La Rue collected the answers to these questions in the form of hundreds of letters, which are published in the book NYC Pet Project (Good Books Publishing, Inc.). The book is a compendium of letters and portraits of New Yorkers – ordinary and famous.

Below are portions of a letter written by actress Rue McLanahan (The Golden Girls), with a postscript from husband Morrow Wilson, an actor and producer. Rue is a committed animal rights activist and an honorary chairperson for the People for Ethical Treatment of Animals. As her letter shows, she’s also hopelessly devoted to her American shorthaired and Siamese mix, Miss Bianca.

From Rue

Tell me, Bianca, why do you scatter your dry food all over the kitchen floor? And suddenly go plunging down the stairs at ninety miles an hour?
I’m glad you like to dance with me, and sleep on our bed on your heating pad – though I could do without the bites when my foot strays too close. Is that your Siamese blood showing? As it shows in all that talking – “Meow, I’m in the room, hello everyone, meow, please open the closet door so I can explore; mee-e-ow, oh pleeease let me into the attic so I can climb around and come out covered in schmutz. … Meow, talk to me, and I’ll talk baaack, meeeow …”


… And we know Morrow is only kidding you when he makes those remarks about your I.Q., don’t we?

From Morrow

Fact is: Where else could I find a nine-pound companion with the good taste to sit in my lap and watch the Yankee game, or reruns of NYPD Blue and – of course – The Golden Girls!

The letters appears within the NYC Pet Project book in the author’s actual handwriting.

Good Books Publishing, Inc. has provided some the content from the NYC Pet Project for inclusion in this website. For additional information on Good Books Publishing, Inc. or to order the NYC Pet Project book, go to or your local bookstore.