Fluffy Cats: Name Ideas for Fluffy Haired Cats
Are you looking for that perfect cat name that just fits your kitty? Naming a cat can be difficult. One way many pet owners do it is to look for a name that goes with your cat’s personality or physical characteristic? For example, is your cat fluffy? Does he have a thick or feathery hair coat?
Here are some names ideas for cats that are known to be “fluffy”. I hope this helps you find the perfect name for your cat!
Cat names for “fluffy cats”
- Bear
- Charmin
- Cotton
- Downy
- Feathers
- Fluffy
- Fluffmaster
- Flannel
- Fluffmonster
- Foofur
- Frankie
- Furball
- Furby
- Fuzz
- Fizzle
- Fuzzbutt
- Fuzzy Britches
- Fuzzeria
- Fuzzy
- Fuzzy-wuzzy
- Fuzzy Lumpkins (Very fuzzy with a fine longer fur in lumps)
- Pigolet or Piglett
- PlushKitti – like a plush carpet
- Puff
- Puffy
- Ringlet
- Ruffles
- Teddy
- Teddy-Bear
- Woofy