what is the discharge coming from my cats bottom

What Is That Discharge Coming from My Cat’s Butt?

Our question this week was:

My cat has a secretion coming either from her vagina or her anus. She drips after going to the bathroom. It started after we moved from one country to another. She is very fat, so she doesn’t reach to clean herself. She was eating Hill’s Science Diet and we changed to Prescription Science r/d. What do you think this could be? Thank you.

Anabella Lewin



Hi Anabella,

Thanks for your email.

Your question was “Why is my cat having a secretion that comes from her bottom after she goes to the bathroom.” You also noted that she is “obese.”

To be honest, this is difficult to answer without seeing your cat. There are a few possibilities that I’ll discuss below. Your best bet is to see your veterinarian to determine the underlying cause.

If possible, the next time your cat goes to the bathroom and does this, gently wipe her bottom and note the character and smell of the discharge. This may help tell you what it is.

The possibilities are:

A couple articles that might be helpful to you are Vaginitis in Cats, Diarrhea in Cats, and Anal Glands in Cats.

It may be as simple as she can’t clean herself well due to her obesity and any discharge is obvious on her. In this case, weight loss, which you are working on with the Hills Prescription r/d diet, is your best bet. Another article that might be helpful is Obesity in Cats.

Best of luck!

Dr. Debra

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