Why is my cat licking his bottom?
Our question this week was:
My cat is licking his bottom – I’m not sure if it is his rectum or penis area. What should I do?
Robert O. – Columbia, MO
Hi Robert– thanks for your question. Cats can lick their bottoms for several reasons. The first question is – where is he licking. Is he licking at his rectum or his penis area?
Cats can lick at their rectums if they are cleaning, irritated or have anal gland problems. Cats will lick at their penis areas if they are cleaning or if they have an infection or obstruction.
If your cat is having frequent trips to the litterbox, urinating inappropriately (outside of the litter box), not eating, acting lethargic, walking “funny” or having any other symptoms. call your veterinarian.
An article that might be helpful to you is Urinary Obstruction in Cats, Urinary Tract Infection in Cats, and Anal Glands in Cats.
Best of luck!
Dr. Debra
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