Dysuria (Trouble Urinating) in Dogs

Overview of Dysuria (Trouble Urinating) in Dogs

Dysuria is defined as difficult or painful urination. It is characterized by straining to urinate, frequent attempts at urination, and evidence of discomfort when urinating. Discomfort may be demonstrated by crying out during urination, excessive licking at the urogenital region or turning and looking at the area.

What to Watch For

Causes of Trouble Urinating in Dogs

Causes of dysuria include a number of different conditions including:

Treatment of Dysuria in Dogs

Treatment will depend upon the underlying cause of the problem. It may require:

Home Care

Administer as directed any medications prescribed by your veterinarian. Observe your dog’s urination patterns. Make sure urine is being passed in adequate amounts. Observe your dog’s general activity level, appetite and attitude.

Make sure your dog has plenty of water and has frequent opportunities to urinate. Follow dietary recommendations of your veterinarian.

In-depth Information on Canine Dysuria

Cause of trouble urinating in dogs may include any of the following:​

Diagnosis In-depth

Diagnostic tests needed to determine the cause of dysuria include:

Treatment In-depth

The course of treatment will be dictated by the underlying cause of the problem.

Follow-up Care for Dogs with Trouble Urinating

Follow-up may require long-term medical management. Also subsequent radiographs may need to be taken or repeat ultrasound examinations. Frequent examinations of the urine and repeat cultures will be required to monitor for infections and response to antibiotic management.

Treatment In-depth

The course of treatment will be dictated by the underlying cause of the problem.


Follow-up may require long-term medical management. Also subsequent radiographs may need to be taken or repeat ultrasound examinations. Frequent examinations of the urine and repeat cultures will be required to monitor for infections and response to antibiotic management.

Diagnosis In-depth

Diagnostic tests needed to determine the cause of dysuria include:

Treatment In-depth

The course of treatment will be dictated by the underlying cause of the problem.


Follow-up may require long-term medical management. Also subsequent radiographs may need to be taken or repeat ultrasound examinations. Frequent examinations of the urine and repeat cultures will be required to monitor for infections and response to antibiotic management.