Our 5 Favorite Safety Products for Dogs
As a dog owner, you know what it takes to keep your pup safe.
You’re up on his vaccinations, you know how to control parasites, and you’re prepared for winter, spring, summer, and fall.
Nevetheless, dangers lurk everywhere, and if you’re not properly prepared, your dog could be at risk. Luckily, there are some great products on the market that can help protect your pup, anytime, anywhere.
Here are our five favorite safety products for dogs.
AVID and Home Again Microchips
Microchipping is growing in popularity, as it’s a reliable and effective way to identify lost pets and return them to safety. A simple procedure administered by your veterinarian — similar to a routine shot — will inject a small and compact microchip beneath the surface of your dog’s skin between the shoulder blades. But the process doesn’t end there. You need to have the microchip registered and connected to an accessible and accurate database. AVID and Home Again offer microchips that have been commonly used in veterinary hospitals and shelters across the United States. Both companies have unique codes and databases that are readily accessible.
Alcott Traveler Car Safety Belt
Some dogs absolutely love car rides — just jingle those keys and they’re ready to hop on board, stick their heads out the window, and feel the cool breezes. Other dogs are absolutely terrified by riding in cars, and even a fun trip to the park is a harrowing experience. In any case, having a dog roaming loose in a moving vehicle can be dangerous — to the dog and his human companions. That is why it’s a good idea to utilize a quality automotive restraint, and one of the best ones you can buy is the Traveler Car Safety Belt from Alcott. The Traveler is designed to work with the company’s Adventure Harness, but it can also be attached to any other harness. It’s adjustable, so your dog can sit or lay down, and it can even be used as a short leash.
The Ruffwear Beacon
Whether you’ve got an outdoor dog or just like to take midnight strolls with your pup, there’s a lot more you have to worry about at night than full moons and lunar cycles. Being able to spot your dog — or ensure he’s spotted by cars and other dangers — is key. The Beacon from Ruffwear is a bright, high-intensity LED light designed to keep dogs visible in low-light conditions. It is sturdy, compact, lightweight, and watertight, and it features three light modes: slow flash, fast flash, and always on. The Beacon easily clips onto all of Ruffwear’s wearable dog gear, or it can clip on to just about anything — or anyone — else.
Healers Pet Care Urban Walkers Dog Booties
Dogs have special skin on the bottoms of their feet called “paw pads” that isn’t found anywhere else on the body. But while a dog’s paws are tougher and more complex than the soles of human feet, they are by no means indestructible. They can blister and be severely damaged when exposed to environmental extremes or activities. Urban Walkers Dog Booties from Healers Pet Care have strong, non-skid soles that provide a flexible, natural feel for your dog as he walks or runs. They feature mesh tops for quick drying, and the protective wrap-around design ensures a great fit for any dog.
Filson Shelter Cloth Dog Coat
Domestic dogs come clothed in hundreds of color, pattern, and coat varieties, but sometimes, their God-given coats aren’t enough. Some dogs need extra protection from the elements, while others, well, just like to dress up and look fancy. The Shelter Cloth Dog Coat from Filson satisfies both of those needs. It’s a reversible, water-repellent coat with a 100% virgin wool lining that offers comfortable insulation even when wet. A double-layer of suede Moleskin in the collar keeps the coat from rubbing against your dog’s neck. It also features wide Velcro closures at the neck and chest for a custom fit for dogs of all sizes.