Dog owner keeping his pet hydrated.

Why Is My Dog Not Drinking Water?

Why Is Water Important to Dogs?

Water is an essential component of a dog’s body and critical to good health. Water is required for all cellular, organ, and tissue functions of the body. Pet owners sometimes ask the question, “Why is my dog not drinking water?”

One realizes the importance of water when faced with the negative consequences of not drinking, which is “dehydration.” Dehydration results from more output than intake. This can occur from not drinking or from excessive output.

Output is defined as the amount of fluid leaving the body. It can be from normal fluid loss, drooling, panting, urination, and bowel movements. Output can also be from abnormal losses, such as from diarrhea, vomiting, and/or blood loss. As little as a 10% loss of body water can be fatal.

In this article, we will share how much a dog should drink, discuss reasons a dog may not drink, provide tips on what you can do at home to get your dog to drink, and when you should see your veterinarian.


How Much Should a Dog Drink?

In a normal environment, the amount of water a dog should drink per day is dependent on their size. The general rule is that dogs should drink 20 to 40 ml of water per pound per day. This comes out to about 3 to 4 cups of water for a 20-pound dog or 6 to 8 cups of water for a 40-pound dog per day.

Factors that Affect How Much a Dog Should Drink

There are factors that can impact how much water a dog should drink. For example, a dog may drink more if they are on certain medications like steroids, exercising, exposed to warm weather or hot temperatures, fed high sodium snacks, and/or primarily fed dry dog food.

Reasons Why Your Dog Won’t Drink Water

There are many reasons dogs may drink less water. Just like people, some dogs are naturally better water drinkers than other dogs. The big concern is if there is an acute change in YOUR dog. If your dog suddenly stops or substantially decreases their water consumption, that is cause for concern and a reason to contact your veterinarian immediately.

In general, some dogs will drink less for the following reasons:

Signs of Dehydration in Dogs

Signs of dehydration can be vague and may include:

How to Check for Dehydration at Home

A well-hydrated dog is generally active with shiny bright eyes. Methods to estimate dehydration at home include checking the gums, evaluating skin elasticity, and monitoring urine frequency, and color.

Practice these hydration tests on a healthy dog, so that you can better see the difference in a case of dehydration. Remember: these are rough tests. If you are worried about your dog’s hydration, see your veterinarian.

What To Do If Your Dog Is Drinking Less Water

If your dog is drinking less water and this is a change from prior behavior, it is important to evaluate all aspects of your dog’s behavior for additional signs of problems.

For example:

Any abnormality is cause for concern. This can be compounded if your dog is very young or old, pregnant, nursing, or has medical problems such as diabetes or kidney disease.

14 Ways to Encourage Dogs to Drink Before Heading to the Vet

If your dog is drinking less water or you want to optimize hydration, you can try the following to encourage them to drink:

  1. 24/7 Access. This may seem obvious, but some dogs don’t drink as much water as they should because their bowl is empty. Fill the bowl daily with fresh, clean water. Choose a bowl that will hold at least two days' worth of water (which will vary with your dog’s size) to allow for additional thirst.
  2. Soiled bowls. Bowls with dirt, molds, insects, or soap residue can discourage a dog from drinking. Wash and rinse the water bowl thoroughly in the dishwasher on a weekly basis.
  3. Bowl types. Some dogs have bowl inclinations. Try a variety of materials, such as stainless steel, glass, or ceramic to see if your dog has a preference.
  4. More bowls. Adding additional water bowls around the house or outdoors can encourage dogs to drink. There can also be competition between dogs where one dog blocks or prevents another dog’s access to water. Having more bowls can ensure there is water for every pet.
  5. Optimize accessibility. Bowls should be easily accessible to dogs with arthritis or other mobility issues. Dogs should not have to go upstairs or downstairs to get water. You can also periodically take the water bowl to your dog to encourage them to drink.
  6. Pet fountains. Some dogs enjoy fountains and will drink more when available. If you use a fountain and your dog loves it, make sure you keep it clean. Some dogs will stop using the fountain if the water becomes moldy.
  7. Fingers. For an unknown reason, some dogs will lick water from your fingers. Offer water to your dog by allowing them to lick water from your hand or your finger.
  8. Canned food. Canned dog food has a much higher water content than dry dog food and can be a very good source of water. You can also add extra water, giving the canned food a gravy consistency.
  9. Flavor the water or food. Offer your dog broth, flavored water, or add moisture to dry food. Warm water or low-sodium chicken or beef broth can be added to canned or dry food. It works well to add the water or broth about 30 minutes before trying to feed.
  10. Pedialyte. With your veterinarian’s permission, offer small amounts of Pedialyte. Mix Pedialyte with water in a 1:1 ratio and offer small amounts at a time.
  11. Ice. Adding an ice cube to the water bowl can encourage some dogs to drink. You can also freeze broth into cubes or inside toys and offer them outside on a hot day.
  12. Water quality. Consider the quality of your water. Did something change? Some homes are on public water, while others may be sourced from a well or spring. Trying a different water source, such as bottled or filtered water, can encourage dogs to drink. Some dogs familiar with water at home may drink less when traveling because the water has a different taste. If traveling, consider taking a gallon jug of your home water and their familiar bowl with you.
  13. Syringe water. As a last resort, you can use a syringe to give your dog water. Fill a syringe without the needle with water, place the syringe between the teeth and cheek, and slowly offer a small amount. If they swallow well and accept it, wait 5 minutes, and offer more. If your dog coughs or gags, stop. How much you offer will depend on the size of your dog. Try offering a dog less than 10 pounds about 5 ml (1 teaspoon), a medium size dog (40 pounds) 15 to 20 ml (1 tablespoon), and a large breed dog 30 to 60 ml (2 to 4 tablespoons) per dose. If your dog swallows the water and does not vomit, repeat in 1 hour. Gradually increase the quantity and frequency. PLEASE NOTE: If your dog is weak, there is a risk of aspiration, which can be life-threatening. In general, if your dog is so sick that you need to give fluid with a syringe, they would benefit from the advice and treatment of a veterinarian. You can generally purchase a syringe from your vet, at most pet stores, or at your local farm supply store.
  14. Treat pain. Dogs in pain, such as dogs with arthritis, may not want to get up and walk to the water bowl. Treat their pain with medications as provided by your veterinarian.

While it is important to get your dog to drink, it is equally important to not allow your dog to drink too much. Learn more about Why You Should Keep Your Dog From Drinking Too Much Water.

When To See the Vet

Ultimately, if your dog is not drinking, the risk of dehydration exists. It is best to see your veterinarian to help identify the underlying cause and provide treatment if needed. They can supplement fluids through an IV or by subcutaneous fluid administration. Please contact your veterinarian if you have any concerns about your dog’s water intake.

Worried about costs related to treatment for dehydration? Pet insurance may be able to help. Click here to learn more.

How To Prevent Dehydration in Dogs

Tips to prevent dehydration in dogs include:

Frequently Asked Questions About Dogs Not Drinking Water

Why is my dog not drinking water?

There are many reasons that a dog may not be drinking water. Any disease or problem that causes nausea or impacts metabolic function can cause this problem.

What should I do if my dog is not drinking water?

If your dog is not drinking water, look for other clinical problems. Are they vomiting or having diarrhea? Lethargic? The best thing to do is to call your veterinarian.

How do I get my dog to drink water?

If your dog is not drinking, the best thing you can do is encourage water intake. You can do this by flavoring the water, offering fresh water in a different bowl, or offering some canned food.

How long can a dog go without drinking water?

A dog can live a few days without water. How long depends on how quickly they are losing fluid or not taking in fluids. For example, if a dog is not drinking as well as vomiting and having diarrhea, they are both losing fluids and not taking in fluids, which can cause faster and more severe dehydration.

My dog doesn’t drink water after exercising, what should I do?

If you have an active dog that doesn’t drink well after exercising, ensure they have access to fresh, clean water. Give them a little time. If they go into a shaded or cool environment and have access to water, most dogs will drink when they are thirsty. There have been reports of bloat in dogs that drink too much after exercising.

What should I do if my dog won’t stop drinking water?

Drinking too much can be as big of a problem as drinking too little and can ultimately lead to water intoxication.

What if my dog doesn’t want to drink water?

If you try canned food, flavored water, syringing water, and all the other tricks discussed above and your dog doesn’t drink, the best thing to do is to call your veterinarian or closest veterinary emergency clinic.

My dog won’t drink house water but will drink water from mud puddles. Is this a problem?

There are some dogs that love to drink from puddles. Rainwater has a different smell and taste compared to chlorinated tap water, making it more appealing to dogs. While this is not a problem for most dogs, there is a risk of the puddles being contaminated with bacteria, molds, and even automotive products like gasoline.

How much water should I let my dog drink?

The general rule of thumb is that dogs should drink about 20 to 40 ml of water per pound of body weight per day. This table may help:

Dog weight in pounds Amount of water a dog should drink per day in ML Amount of water a dog should drink per day in cups
10 200 to 400 ml Little over ¾ cup to 1 2/3 cups
15 300 to 600 ml 1 ¼ to 2 ½ cups
20 400 to 800 ml 1 2/3 to 3 1/3 cups
40 800 to 1,600 ml 3 1/3 to 6 2/3 cups
50 1,000 to 2,000 ml 4 ¼ to 8 1/3 cups
75 1,500 ml to 3,000 ml 6 ¼ to 12 ½ cups
100 2,000 ml to 4,000 ml 8 1/3 to 16 2/3 cups

I’m worried my small dog isn’t drinking enough water, what should I do?

Some small and miniature-sized dogs don’t appear to drink very much, especially if you are used to having large dogs around. Their water consumption will vary depending on if they eat canned food, which contains water. You can measure their water consumption daily to see if it is more or less than those listed above. If your dog is ill, please call your veterinarian as soon as possible.

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