Finding a Black Lump on Your Dog's Skin?

What Does a Black Lump on a Dog’s Skin Mean?

Pigmented lumps or black lumps on dog skin can cause pet parents to panic. The concern often stems from how human medicine has educated us about the dangers of skin cancer. This is correct since, just as with people, dogs can also get skin cancer.

The most dangerous cause of a pigmented lump or bump on the skin is melanoma. First, let’s look at all the possible causes of black lumps in dogs and then we will offer additional information about melanomas.


Causes of Pigmented or Black Lumps on Dogs

There are many possible causes for pigmented or black lumps on dogs. They include:

How to Determine the Cause of a Black Lump on a Dog

If your dog has a pigmented lump, the best way to help determine the underlying cause is to professionally examine the lump. Your veterinarian may provide the following care during an appointment:

Treatment of Black Lumps on Dogs

Treatment recommendations will be determined by the underlying cause of the bump. An abscess may be drained, ticks may be removed, and skin infections may be treated with antibiotics. For pigmented skin masses that are determined to be skin cancer, recommendations will depend on the type of cancer. Possible treatments may include some combination of surgical removal of the pigmented bump, radiation therapy, and/or immunotherapy.

If you're concerned about costs related to the treatment of black lumps on your dog, pet insurance may be able to help. Click here to learn more.

We hope this article helps you better understand the causes of some pigmented lumps in dogs.

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