Dysautonomia in Dogs

Overview of Canine Dysautonomia

Dysautonomia is the dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system, which is that part of the nervous system that works without conscious control. This includes glands, cardiac muscle, and smooth muscles such as those of the digestive system, the respiratory system and the skin.

Dysautonomia is seen mainly in cats in Great Britain, although it has been identified in the United States as well. It is rare and most affected dogs and cats are less than three years old. There are no breed or sex predilection, no genetic basis and the cause is unknown..

What to Watch For

Signs of dysautonomia in dogs may include:

Diagnosis of Dysautonomia in Dogs

Baseline tests to include:

Treatment of Dysautonomia in Dogs

Home Care and Prevention

Administer all medication and diet as directed by your veterinarian. If any change is noted in your dog’s condition, in particular, coughing or difficulty breathing, contact your veterinarian at once, as this may signal aspiration pneumonia secondary to a malfunctioning esophagus.

Overall prognosis is guarded. Relapse and death are common.

As there is no known cause, there is no known preventative.