Discharge may cause a dog to lick their penis.

Preputial Discharge (Licking Penis) in Dogs

Overview of Preputial Discharge in Dogs

Preputial discharge is any substance flowing from the prepuce, which is the fold of skin that covers the penis. Often, licking at the prepuce/penis accompanies the discharge, so we may use the terms interchangeably.


General Causes of Canine Preputial Discharge

Preputial discharge may consist of blood, urine, or pus. The normal dog should have no discharge, although a small amount of whitish yellow “smegma” can accumulate around the preputial opening and is not considered clinically significant.

There are many potential causes. These include:

The presence of preputial discharge most often suggests an underlying problem, ranging from a mild, relatively benign disorder to a severe, even life-threatening disease (such as a coagulopathy).

What to Watch For

Diagnosis of Preputial Discharge in Dogs

Treatment of Preputial Discharge in Dogs

Although specific therapy may be indicated once a definitive diagnosis is established, there are several things that can be done to treat the symptoms while awaiting test results.

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