Uncommon Dog Names
Are you adopting a dog, but unable to think of anything original and offbeat for your new furry friend?
Pet parents commonly get new dog name inspiration from movies, lists of popular dog names, their dog’s personality, foods, human names, baby name lists, books, fictional characters, historical figures, titles, and much more. For example, after Game of Thrones was released, there were new dogs with names like Arya Stark, Sansa, and Daenerys.
There are common and popular names for dogs, like Maggie, Max, and Ginger that make the list of top dog names yearly, but it’s always cool to do something original and choose from the almost-limitless list of unique dog names.
Unfortunately, the rarer the name, the harder it is to document. So, we decided to create a database of some of the best unique dog names, suggested by PetPlace.com pet parents like you!
Read on for hundreds of unique dog names to suit just about any dog in the world, from Terriers to Mastiffs and everything in between.
Unique Dog Names
- Abe
- Adelaide
- Agnes
- Airy
- Aja
- Alden
- Arbie
- Arby
- Archimedes
- Arya
- Aspen
- Audra
- Axel
- Barton
- Biscuit
- Blanche
- Blogger
- Blue
- Bock
- Boo
- Booboo
- Bookbag
- Boomer
- Bosco
- Bran
- Broom
- Brownie
- Bruce
- Bubsy
- Buckles
- Bucky
- BuggaBoo
- Buttons
- Buzzy
- Cali
- Cat
- Catz
- Cartoon
- Captain
- Carmela
- Casi/Cassie
- Casino
- Casserole
- Cassidy
- Castle
- Cheerio
- Chewy
- Chocolate
- Clean-X
- Cleano
- Cocoa
- Cornpone
- Decker
- Deja
- Deliah
- Dexter
- Diva
- Domingo
- Doolittle
- Doorknob
- Dorothea
- Dough Boy
- Dozer
- Dr. Spock
- Draino
- Eloise
- Elvis
- Enid
- Ethel
- Exit
- Fact
- Fanny
- Ferry
- Findi
- Fishbone
- Fishlips
- Frida
- Foody
- Funny
- Furball
- Furry Friend
- Fuzzbutt
- Gingy
- Ginsberg
- Grits
- Gucci
- Guess
- Gunnar
- Gutter
- Hairspray
- Halftime
- Hawkeye
- Heart
- Hershey
- Hunter
- Ivy
- Jada
- Jaime
- Jenny
- Journey
- Kipper
- Kitty
- Kit-Kat
- Kona
- Leaves
- Lefty
- Liberty
- Licka
- Lickorish
- Lika
- Lion King
- Little Jack
- Little Loco
- Llewellyn
- Lois
- Loki
- Luca
- Mason
- Matera
- Materia
- Maverick
- Maya
- McKinley
- Mocha
- Murano
- Murphy
- Nala
- Napkin
- Nibbler
- Nibbles
- Nicko
- Nixon
- Nox
- Obby
- Otto
- Owl
- Ozzie
- Park
- Pear
- Pepper
- Pickles
- Pinecone
- Posty
- Prince
- Quincy
- Ragweed
- Rashi
- Rasta
- Ratbait
- Reese
- Reggie
- Ringlet
- Rocks
- Rubble
- Rupert
- Sampson
- Sarge
- Sassi
- Sausi
- Sansa
- Smiley
- Squeaky
- Squeegie
- Squeek
- Super
- Tilo
- Timid
- Timmy
- Tito
- Thrones
- Twilight
- Trailer
- Windy
- Wink
- Zodiac
- Zorah
Popular Male Dog Names
- Abbott
- Acorn
- AJ
- Alfie
- Bingo
- Bionic
- Bismarck
- Bitey
- Bivouac
- Blaze
- Block
- Buddy
- Bull
- Bullseye
- Champ
- Chicken
- Cheeky Monkey
- Chimp
- Cletus
- Clinton
- Clone
- Club
- Coats
- Cobweb
- Coder
- Cody
- Coffee
- Colombo
- Colonel
- Columbus
- Compound
- Cookie
- Cooper
- Coup
- Cowboy
- Cosmo
- Darby
- Darth
- Dash
- Davidson
- Dogger
- Edison
- Eli
- Ernesto
- Errol
- Eugene
- Everest
- Falstaff
- Fizzgig
- Flash
- Flex
- Fungi
- Garage Boy
- Garth
- Gibson
- Glasses Diddle Doodle
- Glory
- Godzilla
- Godzooky
- Golly Gee
- Goose
- Granite
- Grayson
- Green
- Greenie
- Gremlin
- Griffin
- Grimace
- Gulliver
- Gustave
- Guster
- Hank
- Harold
- Harry
- Harvey
- Heckle
- Herbie
- Hercules
- Hershel
- Highway
- Hobbs
- Homer
- Hooch
- Ignorance
- Indy
- Ireland
- Isaiah
- Ivan
- Jacques Pierre
- Jagger
- Jeeves
- Jeter
- Jethro
- Kane
- Kennedy
- Kilo
- Kleo
- Kneepad
- Koo-Koo
- Kool-Aid
- Korsakov
- Koufax
- Lenny
- Leo
- Leroy
- Lupin
- Maguire
- Mitch
- Mitso
- Mitts
- Moe
- Moe Mojo
- Mojo Jojo
- Morris
- Nitro
- Norman
- Ollie
- Onyx
- Opus
- Oswald
- Owen
- Picca
- Pickles
- Pig
- Piggly Wiggly
- Piggy Boy
- Podunk
- Pokemon
- Poker
- Pots
- Potter
- Pres
- Prince Charming
- Proust
- Punkin’ Head
- Punky
- Puplet
- Puppa
- Pupperoni
- Puppy Zilla
- Puschkin
- Qittee
- Ramses
- Ranch
- Reebok
- Reef
- Reggie
- Rubicon
- Rufus
- Rug
- Saavik
- Sacharov
- Shady
- Shamas
- Sheetrock
- Sherlock
- Shiba
- Shiel
- Shipley
- Shoes
- Shoogie Boogie
- Shortstop
- Shrub
- Shutter
- Shylock
- Sid
- Sierra
- Silly Putty
- Silverbell
- Sinatra
- Sing Hai
- Sir Coltrane
- Sir Elton
- Spork
- Spork Chop
- Sport
- Spritzy
- Sprocket
- Stroganoff
- Stubby
- Travis
- Trevor
- Triple
- Tripp
- Twizzler
- Tzar
- Uno
- Utley
- Vader
- Valdez
- Vester
- Veto
- Video
- Viking
- Vinegar
- Visage
- Vito
- Vocal
- Wag
- Wallet
- Warner
- Worthless
- Wyatt
- X-box
- Yahnabara
- Yogi
- Yoshi
- YouSing
- Yuengling
- Z-Z
- Zakk
- Zeppelin
- Ziggy
- Zip
- Zipper
- Zodiac
- Zoloft
- Zoltan
- Zonker
- Zoro
Top Unique Dog Names for Female Dogs
- Almond
- Amber
- Archie
- Ari
- Ariel
- BabyGirlRiley
- Banshee
- Banshee Stardust
- BarbieBooBoo
- Barfly
- Baskerville
- Beasky
- Beatrice
- Beauty
- Bella
- Belle
- Bindi
- BL
- Bo
- Bo Peep
- Bo-Bo
- Bogie
- Bokkie
- Boku
- Bonanza
- Bonita
- Boodles
- Boogie
- Bookie
- Briggs
- Bristol
- Brooklynn
- Cairo
- Calendar
- Calloway
- Capers
- Capone
- Carnation
- Castle
- Chewie
- Chewy
- Chicanery
- Cinnamon
- Claudia
- Clementine
- Cleo
- Cleopatra
- Coco
- Crooks
- Cry Baby Jane
- Cupid
- Cyclone
- Cyril
- Dahnja
- Daisy Doodle
- Damio
- Dancer
- Daz
- Deanie Dumpling
- Debra
- Destiny
- Duchess
- Ellie
- Espresso
- Faith
- Fancy
- Fifi
- Flora
- Florence
- Frances
- Future
- Gabby
- Gabster
- Galaxy
- Gato
- Genevieve
- Genny
- Geordi
- Gertrude
- Gia
- Gidget
- GinaRae
- Girlfriend
- Gypsy
- Haruka
- Isis
- Ivy
- Jaclyn
- Judy
- Juliette
- June
- June-Bug
- Juno
- Karma
- Kiwi
- Kricket
- Kryten
- Kudzu
- Kylie
- Kyreeve
- Kyro
- L’il Bit
- Lace
- Lady Bird
- Lali
- Laney
- Latte
- Leia
- Leighlah
- Libby
- Lilianna
- Lilith
- Links
- Linux
- Little Bo Peep
- Little Girl
- Lizzie
- Love
- Lovely
- Lucky Sossidge
- Lucy
- Lucyfur
- LuLuBelle
- Luna
- Mab
- Maddie
- Madeleine
- Magenta
- Marple
- Mary Hellen Walton
- Maryann
- Marzipan
- Matches
- Melody
- MJ
- Mrs. Itsy
- Mrs. Snitchnose
- Muckluck
- Mugwai
- Munchkin
- Munchkins
- Munchy
- Nabisco
- Naomi
- Narcole
- Nash
- Natasha Pepsi Bailey
- Navarr
- Nera
- Nia
- Nickle
- Nike
- Ninevah
- Noggin
- Noisy
- Noodles
- Nosy Rosy
- Octane
- Octivia
- Odessa
- Opal
- Ophelia
- Payton
- Peeper
- Penny
- Pitty Pat
- Please
- Princess
- Princess Tiger Lily
- Princeton
- Prism
- Prudence
- Puck
- Puddles
- Puddy
- Rambunctious
- Ramona
- Raven
- Razzmatazz
- Razzy
- Reality
- Recess
- Redunzel
- Ripley
- Rosie
- Sa-Sa
- Samantha
- Samara
- Sammie Lee
- Sanibel
- Sappho
- Sassafras
- Sassie
- Sehla
- Seiko
- Seminary
- Sequel
- Seraphina
- Shana
- Shanti
- Sheba Ann
- Sherbet
- Sophie
- Spirit
- Starfire
- Suchi
- Suga-Buga
- Sweet Lips
- Sweet Potato Louise
- Sylvie
- Taffy
- Tahtonka
- Tala
- Teezles
- Tefal
- Tegar
- Teka Leeka
- Tekia
- Tenza
- Tequila
- Tereza
- Tess Edy the Toenails
- Thea
- Thomasina
- Tickles
- Tidbit
- Tiddles
- Tiffani
- Tiggy
- Tights
- Tika
- Tina Turner
- Trinity
- Trinity
- Trinnie
- Tulip
- Tunis
- Twinkie
- Valentine
- Veda
- Vegas
- Velvet
- Venus
- Vesta and Destiny
- Violet
- Virginia
- Whimsey
- Xena
- Yoko
- Yuma
- Zara
- Zelda
- Zeta
- Zorah
- Zu-Zu
- Zula
Top Unique Names for Small Dogs
- Atom
- Atomic
- Atrophy
- Baby
- Bantam
- Bijou
- Birdy
- Bitty
- Compact
- Compactor
- Cramps
- Cryer
- Cubbie
- Cubby
- Cupcake
- Dearth
- Demmy
- Diamond
- Diego
- Diesel
- Digger
- Ding Bat
- Faint
- Flyspeck
- Frank
- Fun-size
- Gas
- Gemstone
- George
- Geppetto
- Glitter
- Immense
- Iota
- Itty
- Itty-Bitty
- Jay
- Jed
- Jellybean
- Jerry
- Jib
- Jinny
- Limit
- Little
- Meag
- Megabit
- Micro
- Midget
- Mighty
- Mignon
- Minikin
- Minnie
- Minor
- Minute
- Modicum
- Moody Blue
- Morpheus
- Mother Smalley
- Motts
- Mouse
- Mr. Biz
- Mr. Black
- Mr. Butters
- Mr. Malone
- Mr. Trottie Man
- Nano
- Neggy
- Paltry
- Pea
- Peanut
- Petty
- Picayune
- Piddle
- Pint
- Pipsqueak
- Pittance
- Puny
- Ruby
- Runt
- Runty
- Scanty
- Scrubby
- Shorty
- Shrimp
- Slight
- Smooch
- Stunt
- Sugar Pop
- Sugar Toast
- Sunny
- Teensy
- Teensy-Weensy
- Teeny
- The Baby
- Tiny
- Tiny Toes
- Tippie
- Tipsy
- Tobygoodboy
- Toenails
- Tommy Boy
- Toy
- Trifle
- Trivial
- Trivial
- We-Willie-Winkie
- Weazle
- Wee
- Wee-Wee
- Weeny
- Wink
- Winkie
- Wire
Top Unique Names for Medium Dogs
- Agent
- Average
- Baba Booey
- Balthazar
- Bam Bam
- Bambi
- Bandit
- Bean
- Beauregard
- Bedsocks
- Bee-Bee
- Berkley
- Bernardo
- Beta
- Chinchilla
- Chiro
- Chops
- ChopSuey
- Christmas
- Chrysanthemum Joy
- Chufta
- Cisco
- Clapper
- Clarence
- Claypool
- Evergreen
- Everly
- Exit
- Expresso
- Factor
- Fair
- Fairway
- Fido
- Fleet
- Freedom
- Frig
- Fry
- Fudge
- Fudgie
- Mark
- Medial
- Medium
- Meatier
- Metier
- Midst
- Middling
- Midway
- Milieu
- Norm
- Oracle
- Prophet
- Sammy
- Seer
- Spot
- The Brain
- The Fabulous Miss Boo
- The Nosy Noodle
- Theo
- Three Socks
- Thud
- Tilkaracha
- Token
- TomTom
- Tonka
- Tonto
- Toomba
- Toopee
- Tooter
- Tori
- Toughie
- Whisper
- Winslet
- Wizzie
- Woobie
Top Unique Names for Big Dogs
- 8-Ball
- Aden
- Adonis
- Alexander the Great
- Andre
- Angus
- Apollo
- Astro
- Atlas
- Australia
- Behemothic
- Bettis
- Big Red
- Bigfoot
- Biggity Brown
- Bijou
- Buddha
- Budweiser
- Buggie
- Bulldozer
- Bullet
- Bulky
- Bunyan
- Caesar
- Chopper
- Colossal
- Colossus
- Cosmic
- Diamond
- Diary
- Dino
- Elephantine
- Emmy
- Emperor
- Endo
- Epic
- Gargantuan
- Giant
- Goliath
- Gross
- Hefty
- Hero
- Humongous
- Immense
- Jumbo
- Key
- King Kong
- Knight
- Kodiak
- Kong
- Levy
- Macro
- Major
- Mammoth
- Massy
- Mighty
- Monarch
- Monster
- Mondo
- Moose
- Monument
- Mountain
- Moxie
- Olympian
- Oversize
- Planet
- Puppy
- Sasquatch
- Supersize
- Tank
- Thumper
- Titan
- Titan
- Titanic
- Tower
- Trailer
- Trillion
- Tundra
- VastOne
- Vasty
- Whoop
- Yeti
Tips for Picking a Name for Your New Dog
Have you tried and failed to find a perfect name in the past? Make it a family event and check out some tips from the experts:
- Avoid names that sound like common commands
- Choose names that are one or two syllables
- Pick a name that you’re comfortable repeating a lot
- Reflect both your unique personality and your dog’s character
Don’t get discouraged if the right name doesn’t come to you overnight. Take time to test out a few with your new pup and find the perfect fit together. If you’re still struggling, check out our list of the Top 1200 Pet Names.
Ready to adopt a pet? Browse our vast network of shelters and rescues to find and adopt your perfect pet today!