A leather dog collar without a name on a wooden table

Uncommon Dog Names

Are you adopting a dog, but unable to think of anything original and offbeat for your new furry friend?

Pet parents commonly get new dog name inspiration from movies, lists of popular dog names, their dog’s personality, foods, human names, baby name lists, books, fictional characters, historical figures, titles, and much more. For example, after Game of Thrones was released, there were new dogs with names like Arya Stark, Sansa, and Daenerys.

There are common and popular names for dogs, like Maggie, Max, and Ginger that make the list of top dog names yearly, but it’s always cool to do something original and choose from the almost-limitless list of unique dog names.

Unfortunately, the rarer the name, the harder it is to document. So, we decided to create a database of some of the best unique dog names, suggested by PetPlace.com pet parents like you!

Read on for hundreds of unique dog names to suit just about any dog in the world, from Terriers to Mastiffs and everything in between.

Unique Dog Names

  1. Abe
  2. Adelaide
  3. Agnes
  4. Airy
  5. Aja
  6. Alden
  7. Arbie
  8. Arby
  9. Archimedes
  10. Arya
  11. Aspen
  12. Audra
  13. Axel
  14. Barton
  15. Biscuit
  16. Blanche
  17. Blogger
  18. Blue
  19. Bock
  20. Boo
  21. Booboo
  22. Bookbag
  23. Boomer
  24. Bosco
  25. Bran
  26. Broom
  27. Brownie
  28. Bruce
  29. Bubsy
  30. Buckles
  31. Bucky
  32. BuggaBoo
  33. Buttons
  34. Buzzy
  35. Cali
  36. Cat
  37. Catz
  38. Cartoon
  39. Captain
  40. Carmela
  41. Casi/Cassie
  42. Casino
  43. Casserole
  44. Cassidy
  45. Castle
  46. Cheerio
  47. Chewy
  48. Chocolate
  49. Clean-X
  50. Cleano
  51. Cocoa
  52. Cornpone
  53. Decker
  54. Deja
  55. Deliah
  56. Dexter
  57. Diva
  58. Domingo
  59. Doolittle
  60. Doorknob
  61. Dorothea
  62. Dough Boy
  63. Dozer
  64. Dr. Spock
  65. Draino
  66. Eloise
  67. Elvis
  68. Enid
  69. Ethel
  70. Exit
  71. Fact
  72. Fanny
  73. Ferry
  74. Findi
  75. Fishbone
  76. Fishlips
  77. Frida
  78. Foody
  79. Funny
  80. Furball
  81. Furry Friend
  82. Fuzzbutt
  83. Gingy
  84. Ginsberg
  85. Grits
  86. Gucci
  87. Guess
  88. Gunnar
  89. Gutter
  90. Hairspray
  91. Halftime
  92. Hawkeye
  93. Heart
  94. Hershey
  95. Hunter
  96. Ivy
  97. Jada
  98. Jaime
  99. Jenny
  100. Journey
  101. Kipper
  102. Kitty
  103. Kit-Kat
  104. Kona
  105. Leaves
  106. Lefty
  107. Liberty
  108. Licka
  109. Lickorish
  110. Lika
  111. Lion King
  112. Little Jack
  113. Little Loco
  114. Llewellyn
  115. Lois
  116. Loki
  117. Luca
  118. Mason
  119. Matera
  120. Materia
  121. Maverick
  122. Maya
  123. McKinley
  124. Mocha
  125. Murano
  126. Murphy
  127. Nala
  128. Napkin
  129. Nibbler
  130. Nibbles
  131. Nicko
  132. Nixon
  133. Nox
  134. Obby
  135. Otto
  136. Owl
  137. Ozzie
  138. Park
  139. Pear
  140. Pepper
  141. Pickles
  142. Pinecone
  143. Posty
  144. Prince
  145. Quincy
  146. Ragweed
  147. Rashi
  148. Rasta
  149. Ratbait
  150. Reese
  151. Reggie
  152. Ringlet
  153. Rocks
  154. Rubble
  155. Rupert
  156. Sampson
  157. Sarge
  158. Sassi
  159. Sausi
  160. Sansa
  161. Smiley
  162. Squeaky
  163. Squeegie
  164. Squeek
  165. Super
  166. Tilo
  167. Timid
  168. Timmy
  169. Tito
  170. Thrones
  171. Twilight
  172. Trailer
  173. Windy
  174. Wink
  175. Zodiac
  176. Zorah
  1. Abbott
  2. Acorn
  3. AJ
  4. Alfie
  5. Bingo
  6. Bionic
  7. Bismarck
  8. Bitey
  9. Bivouac
  10. Blaze
  11. Block
  12. Buddy
  13. Bull
  14. Bullseye
  15. Champ
  16. Chicken
  17. Cheeky Monkey
  18. Chimp
  19. Cletus
  20. Clinton
  21. Clone
  22. Club
  23. Coats
  24. Cobweb
  25. Coder
  26. Cody
  27. Coffee
  28. Colombo
  29. Colonel
  30. Columbus
  31. Compound
  32. Cookie
  33. Cooper
  34. Coup
  35. Cowboy
  36. Cosmo
  37. Darby
  38. Darth
  39. Dash
  40. Davidson
  41. Dogger
  42. Edison
  43. Eli
  44. Ernesto
  45. Errol
  46. Eugene
  47. Everest
  48. Falstaff
  49. Fizzgig
  50. Flash
  51. Flex
  52. Fungi
  53. Garage Boy
  54. Garth
  55. Gibson
  56. Glasses Diddle Doodle
  57. Glory
  58. Godzilla
  59. Godzooky
  60. Golly Gee
  61. Goose
  62. Granite
  63. Grayson
  64. Green
  65. Greenie
  66. Gremlin
  67. Griffin
  68. Grimace
  69. Gulliver
  70. Gustave
  71. Guster
  72. Hank
  73. Harold
  74. Harry
  75. Harvey
  76. Heckle
  77. Herbie
  78. Hercules
  79. Hershel
  80. Highway
  81. Hobbs
  82. Homer
  83. Hooch
  84. Ignorance
  85. Indy
  86. Ireland
  87. Isaiah
  88. Ivan
  89. Jacques Pierre
  90. Jagger
  91. Jeeves
  92. Jeter
  93. Jethro
  94. Kane
  95. Kennedy
  96. Kilo
  97. Kleo
  98. Kneepad
  99. Koo-Koo
  100. Kool-Aid
  101. Korsakov
  102. Koufax
  103. Lenny
  104. Leo
  105. Leroy
  106. Lupin
  107. Maguire
  108. Mitch
  109. Mitso
  110. Mitts
  111. Moe
  112. Moe Mojo
  113. Mojo Jojo
  114. Morris
  115. Nitro
  116. Norman
  117. Ollie
  118. Onyx
  119. Opus
  120. Oswald
  121. Owen
  122. Picca
  123. Pickles
  124. Pig
  125. Piggly Wiggly
  126. Piggy Boy
  127. Podunk
  128. Pokemon
  129. Poker
  130. Pots
  131. Potter
  132. Pres
  133. Prince Charming
  134. Proust
  135. Punkin’ Head
  136. Punky
  137. Puplet
  138. Puppa
  139. Pupperoni
  140. Puppy Zilla
  141. Puschkin
  142. Qittee
  143. Ramses
  144. Ranch
  145. Reebok
  146. Reef
  147. Reggie
  148. Rubicon
  149. Rufus
  150. Rug
  151. Saavik
  152. Sacharov
  153. Shady
  154. Shamas
  155. Sheetrock
  156. Sherlock
  157. Shiba
  158. Shiel
  159. Shipley
  160. Shoes
  161. Shoogie Boogie
  162. Shortstop
  163. Shrub
  164. Shutter
  165. Shylock
  166. Sid
  167. Sierra
  168. Silly Putty
  169. Silverbell
  170. Sinatra
  171. Sing Hai
  172. Sir Coltrane
  173. Sir Elton
  174. Spork
  175. Spork Chop
  176. Sport
  177. Spritzy
  178. Sprocket
  179. Stroganoff
  180. Stubby
  181. Travis
  182. Trevor
  183. Triple
  184. Tripp
  185. Twizzler
  186. Tzar
  187. Uno
  188. Utley
  189. Vader
  190. Valdez
  191. Vester
  192. Veto
  193. Video
  194. Viking
  195. Vinegar
  196. Visage
  197. Vito
  198. Vocal
  199. Wag
  200. Wallet
  201. Warner
  202. Worthless
  203. Wyatt
  204. X-box
  205. Yahnabara
  206. Yogi
  207. Yoshi
  208. YouSing
  209. Yuengling
  210. Z-Z
  211. Zakk
  212. Zeppelin
  213. Ziggy
  214. Zip
  215. Zipper
  216. Zodiac
  217. Zoloft
  218. Zoltan
  219. Zonker
  220. Zoro

Top Unique Dog Names for Female Dogs

  1. Almond
  2. Amber
  3. Archie
  4. Ari
  5. Ariel
  6. BabyGirlRiley
  7. Banshee
  8. Banshee Stardust
  9. BarbieBooBoo
  10. Barfly
  11. Baskerville
  12. Beasky
  13. Beatrice
  14. Beauty
  15. Bella
  16. Belle
  17. Bindi
  18. BL
  19. Bo
  20. Bo Peep
  21. Bo-Bo
  22. Bogie
  23. Bokkie
  24. Boku
  25. Bonanza
  26. Bonita
  27. Boodles
  28. Boogie
  29. Bookie
  30. Briggs
  31. Bristol
  32. Brooklynn
  33. Cairo
  34. Calendar
  35. Calloway
  36. Capers
  37. Capone
  38. Carnation
  39. Castle
  40. Chewie
  41. Chewy
  42. Chicanery
  43. Cinnamon
  44. Claudia
  45. Clementine
  46. Cleo
  47. Cleopatra
  48. Coco
  49. Crooks
  50. Cry Baby Jane
  51. Cupid
  52. Cyclone
  53. Cyril
  54. Dahnja
  55. Daisy Doodle
  56. Damio
  57. Dancer
  58. Daz
  59. Deanie Dumpling
  60. Debra
  61. Destiny
  62. Duchess
  63. Ellie
  64. Espresso
  65. Faith
  66. Fancy
  67. Fifi
  68. Flora
  69. Florence
  70. Frances
  71. Future
  72. Gabby
  73. Gabster
  74. Galaxy
  75. Gato
  76. Genevieve
  77. Genny
  78. Geordi
  79. Gertrude
  80. Gia
  81. Gidget
  82. GinaRae
  83. Girlfriend
  84. Gypsy
  85. Haruka
  86. Isis
  87. Ivy
  88. Jaclyn
  89. Judy
  90. Juliette
  91. June
  92. June-Bug
  93. Juno
  94. Karma
  95. Kiwi
  96. Kricket
  97. Kryten
  98. Kudzu
  99. Kylie
  100. Kyreeve
  101. Kyro
  102. L’il Bit
  103. Lace
  104. Lady Bird
  105. Lali
  106. Laney
  107. Latte
  108. LBC
  109. Leia
  110. Leighlah
  111. Libby
  112. Lilianna
  113. Lilith
  114. Links
  115. Linux
  116. Little Bo Peep
  117. Little Girl
  118. Lizzie
  119. Love
  120. Lovely
  121. Lucky Sossidge
  122. Lucy
  123. Lucyfur
  124. LuLuBelle
  125. Luna
  126. Mab
  127. Maddie
  128. Madeleine
  129. Magenta
  130. Marple
  131. Mary Hellen Walton
  132. Maryann
  133. Marzipan
  134. Matches
  135. Melody
  136. MJ
  137. Mrs. Itsy
  138. Mrs. Snitchnose
  139. Muckluck
  140. Mugwai
  141. Munchkin
  142. Munchkins
  143. Munchy
  144. Nabisco
  145. Naomi
  146. Narcole
  147. Nash
  148. Natasha Pepsi Bailey
  149. Navarr
  150. Nera
  151. Nia
  152. Nickle
  153. Nike
  154. Ninevah
  155. Noggin
  156. Noisy
  157. Noodles
  158. Nosy Rosy
  159. Octane
  160. Octivia
  161. Odessa
  162. Opal
  163. Ophelia
  164. Payton
  165. Peeper
  166. Penny
  167. Pitty Pat
  168. Please
  169. Princess
  170. Princess Tiger Lily
  171. Princeton
  172. Prism
  173. Prudence
  174. Puck
  175. Puddles
  176. Puddy
  177. Rambunctious
  178. Ramona
  179. Raven
  180. Razzmatazz
  181. Razzy
  182. Reality
  183. Recess
  184. Redunzel
  185. Ripley
  186. Rosie
  187. Sa-Sa
  188. Samantha
  189. Samara
  190. Sammie Lee
  191. Sanibel
  192. Sappho
  193. Sassafras
  194. Sassie
  195. Sehla
  196. Seiko
  197. Seminary
  198. Sequel
  199. Seraphina
  200. Shana
  201. Shanti
  202. Sheba Ann
  203. Sherbet
  204. Sophie
  205. Spirit
  206. Starfire
  207. Suchi
  208. SUE-SHE
  209. Suga-Buga
  210. Sweet Lips
  211. Sweet Potato Louise
  212. Sylvie
  213. Taffy
  214. Tahtonka
  215. Tala
  216. Teezles
  217. Tefal
  218. Tegar
  219. Teka Leeka
  220. Tekia
  221. Tenza
  222. Tequila
  223. Tereza
  224. Tess Edy the Toenails
  225. Thea
  226. Thomasina
  227. Tickles
  228. Tidbit
  229. Tiddles
  230. Tiffani
  231. Tiggy
  232. Tights
  233. Tika
  234. Tina Turner
  235. Trinity
  236. Trinity
  237. Trinnie
  238. Tulip
  239. Tunis
  240. Twinkie
  241. Valentine
  242. Veda
  243. Vegas
  244. Velvet
  245. Venus
  246. Vesta and Destiny
  247. Violet
  248. Virginia
  249. Whimsey
  250. Xena
  251. Yoko
  252. Yuma
  253. Zara
  254. Zelda
  255. Zeta
  256. Zorah
  257. Zu-Zu
  258. Zula

Top Unique Names for Small Dogs

  1. Atom
  2. Atomic
  3. Atrophy
  4. Baby
  5. Bantam
  6. Bijou
  7. Birdy
  8. Bitty
  9. Compact
  10. Compactor
  11. Cramps
  12. Cryer
  13. Cubbie
  14. Cubby
  15. Cupcake
  16. Dearth
  17. Demmy
  18. Diamond
  19. Diego
  20. Diesel
  21. Digger
  22. Ding Bat
  23. Faint
  24. Flyspeck
  25. Frank
  26. Fun-size
  27. Gas
  28. Gemstone
  29. George
  30. Geppetto
  31. Glitter
  32. Immense
  33. Iota
  34. Itty
  35. Itty-Bitty
  36. Jay
  37. Jed
  38. Jellybean
  39. Jerry
  40. Jib
  41. Jinny
  42. Limit
  43. Little
  44. Meag
  45. Megabit
  46. Micro
  47. Midget
  48. Mighty
  49. Mignon
  50. Minikin
  51. Minnie
  52. Minor
  53. Minute
  54. Modicum
  55. Moody Blue
  56. Morpheus
  57. Mother Smalley
  58. Motts
  59. Mouse
  60. Mr. Biz
  61. Mr. Black
  62. Mr. Butters
  63. Mr. Malone
  64. Mr. Trottie Man
  65. Nano
  66. Neggy
  67. Paltry
  68. Pea
  69. Peanut
  70. Petty
  71. Picayune
  72. Piddle
  73. Pint
  74. Pipsqueak
  75. Pittance
  76. Pocket
  77. Puny
  78. Ruby
  79. Runt
  80. Runty
  81. Scanty
  82. Scrubby
  83. Shorty
  84. Shrimp
  85. Slight
  86. Smooch
  87. Stunt
  88. Sugar Pop
  89. Sugar Toast
  90. Sunny
  91. Teensy
  92. Teensy-Weensy
  93. Teeny
  94. The Baby
  95. Tiny
  96. Tiny Toes
  97. Tippie
  98. Tipsy
  99. Tobygoodboy
  100. Toenails
  101. Tommy Boy
  102. Toy
  103. Trifle
  104. Trivial
  105. Trivial
  106. We-Willie-Winkie
  107. Weazle
  108. Wee
  109. Wee-Wee
  110. Weeny
  111. Wink
  112. Winkie
  113. Wire

Top Unique Names for Medium Dogs

  1. Agent
  2. Average
  3. Baba Booey
  4. Balthazar
  5. Bam Bam
  6. Bambi
  7. Bandit
  8. Bean
  9. Beauregard
  10. Bedsocks
  11. Bee-Bee
  12. Berkley
  13. Bernardo
  14. Beta
  15. Chinchilla
  16. Chiro
  17. Chops
  18. ChopSuey
  19. Christmas
  20. Chrysanthemum Joy
  21. Chufta
  22. Cisco
  23. Clapper
  24. Clarence
  25. Claypool
  26. Evergreen
  27. Everly
  28. Exit
  29. Expresso
  30. Factor
  31. Fair
  32. Fairway
  33. Fido
  34. Fleet
  35. Freedom
  36. Frig
  37. Fry
  38. Fudge
  39. Fudgie
  40. Mark
  41. Medial
  42. Medium
  43. Meatier
  44. Metier
  45. Midst
  46. Middling
  47. Midway
  48. Milieu
  49. Norm
  50. Oracle
  51. Prophet
  52. Sammy
  53. Seer
  54. Spot
  55. The Brain
  56. The Fabulous Miss Boo
  57. The Nosy Noodle
  58. Theo
  59. Three Socks
  60. Thud
  61. Tilkaracha
  62. Token
  63. TomTom
  64. Tonka
  65. Tonto
  66. Toomba
  67. Toopee
  68. Tooter
  69. Tori
  70. Toughie
  71. Whisper
  72. Winslet
  73. Wizzie
  74. Woobie

Top Unique Names for Big Dogs

  1. 8-Ball
  2. Aden
  3. Adonis
  4. Alexander the Great
  5. Andre
  6. Angus
  7. Apollo
  8. Astro
  9. Atlas
  10. Australia
  11. Behemothic
  12. Bettis
  13. Big Red
  14. Bigfoot
  15. Biggity Brown
  16. Bijou
  17. Buddha
  18. Budweiser
  19. Buggie
  20. Bulldozer
  21. Bullet
  22. Bulky
  23. Bunyan
  24. Caesar
  25. Chopper
  26. Colossal
  27. Colossus
  28. Cosmic
  29. Diamond
  30. Diary
  31. Dino
  32. Elephantine
  33. Emmy
  34. Emperor
  35. Endo
  36. Epic
  37. Gargantuan
  38. Giant
  39. Goliath
  40. Gross
  41. Hefty
  42. Hero
  43. Humongous
  44. Immense
  45. Jumbo
  46. Key
  47. King Kong
  48. Knight
  49. Kodiak
  50. Kong
  51. Levy
  52. Macro
  53. Major
  54. Mammoth
  55. Massy
  56. Mighty
  57. Monarch
  58. Monster
  59. Mondo
  60. Moose
  61. Monument
  62. Mountain
  63. Moxie
  64. Olympian
  65. Oversize
  66. Planet
  67. Puppy
  68. Sasquatch
  69. Supersize
  70. Tank
  71. Thumper
  72. Titan
  73. Titan
  74. Titanic
  75. Tower
  76. Trailer
  77. Trillion
  78. Tundra
  79. VastOne
  80. Vasty
  81. Whoop
  82. Yeti

Tips for Picking a Name for Your New Dog

Have you tried and failed to find a perfect name in the past? Make it a family event and check out some tips from the experts:

  1. Avoid names that sound like common commands
  2. Choose names that are one or two syllables
  3. Pick a name that you’re comfortable repeating a lot
  4. Reflect both your unique personality and your dog’s character

Don’t get discouraged if the right name doesn’t come to you overnight. Take time to test out a few with your new pup and find the perfect fit together. If you’re still struggling, check out our list of the Top 1200 Pet Names.

Ready to adopt a pet? Browse our vast network of shelters and rescues to find and adopt your perfect pet today!