Everything for pets & pet parents in one place.
Wherever you are in your pet parenting journey: from choosing and finding a pet to already loving & caring for pets, all the way through to saying goodbye… PetPlace is here to support you every step of the way.
We know how happy, healthy, and busy your pets keep you, so with all the resources, videos, articles, services, products, advice, opinions, and ideas out there, we thought you could use a good place to start.
You’ll find sound advice, trusted providers, and indispensable services here, all in one place.
Because every pet deserves to be well cared for, by companions who return their love and dedication.
A Pet Parent’s Journey
Choose a pet
Planning for a new family member is exciting, but it requires a lot of research. Start your matchmaking adventure with our dog breed guide and cat breed guide, or use our search bar for information on reptiles, fish, birds, or any other small pets.
Adopt a pet
When you adopt from a shelter, you transform an animal’s life with your love. Whether you want to adopt a dog or adopt a cat, you can find your loyal companion in our shelter pet database.
Bring your pet home
Looking for some tips to make homecoming easier for everyone? Start here: Puppy Diaries or Ultimate Guide to Adopting a Kitten.
Pet care
From names to toys and celebrations, you treat your pet like one of the family. Learn how to give your pet all the love they deserve: Pet Care.
Find a lost pet
Pet tags improve the chances of reuniting parents with lost pets. Order yours now and read up on tips to keep your precious pets safe and close: Lost pets.
Protect your pet
Pet insurance plans may cover accidents, illnesses, and wellness visits. Find providers, get quotes, and compare plans: start here.
Health & well-being
What’s that bump? Is my cat sad? Does my pet need a friend? Keeping your companions healthy & happy starts here.
Training and fun
Find out what makes your pet tick, how to teach them a trick, and tons more with resources to strengthen your bond: Behavior & Training.